Who would win in a scrap?

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Charizard vs. Dragonite

Who would win in a fight between Charizard and Dragonite?

Dragonite---> A Dragon and flying type pokemon who is very quick and one of the original 150 pokemon.

Charizard<--- A  Fire , and Flying type pokemon who is very lazy, but when angered can become unstoppable and menacing.

And the winner is...

Charizard.  With the fire moves added to his arsenal i dont think Dragonite could handle him.  Although Dragonite is very quick and a more "valued" then Charizard at times,  Charizard has the ablilty to fly with Dragonite.  Charizard is the clear winner.


  1. charizard is awesome!

  2. Umm, Dragonite has the highest special attack in the game, even higher than Mewtwo. Dragonite's hyperbeam one-shots all Pokemon, so therefore, Dragonite wins ANY pokemon fight. Charizard doesn't stand a chance, obviously.

    1. u r stupid.. mewtwo def has more special attack

    2. So does Alakazam and a load of others

    3. Dragonite's hyperbeam can't one-shot all Pokemon.

    4. dragonite has 100 spec. atk and mewtwo has 154.

  3. I love charizard, But Dragonite wins, Dragonite is slower but takes hits better and can learn about everything. Not to mention fire doesnt really effect dragon to much. Dragonite can learn rock slide and thunder and pretty much take out what ever he wants. and above post, mewtwo has higher special attack than dragonite. Dragonite has more attack.

  4. hyper beam doesnt have a one shot ko against all pokemon if u play the games u would find out :/

  5. charizard cant win nor dragonite why beacause its on thier trainer and thier lvl even dragonite has stronger attacks than charizard,charizard can win if the lvl gap is 100-80 its very clear that charizard wil win then but in quickness and evassiveness charizard wins dragonites attck will just miss so therefore charizard and dragonite can win or lose to each other

  6. charizard wins becuase it can learn dragon type moves and there super effective dragonites dragon type atacks will only take average damage

    1. Dragonite can learn Electric,Water,Rock type moves and is a frigging tank which take and dish out damage.

  7. Dragonite has clear advantage,because of the fact that it has access to the move "surf" which is 2x effective and maybe rock slide which is 4x effective against charizard......"BUT!" Charizard still wins,because even though dragonite has higher other stats...charizard is still dominant when it comes to speed and special attack...which means that charizard can use a specific super effective special damage type move (ex.Dragon Pulse)to sweep dragonite..

    when it comes to appearance I'll still vote for charizard. because he's so cool!!
    so i'd rather choose charizard rather than that "BARNEY the Stupid Dinosaur" like Dragonite.. ;DD

    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Qe9O90cD80 Bitch charizard is just a rock covered pile of shit and i'd rather have Dragonite then have that over overgrown lizard ;DD

  8. CHARIZARD FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Dragonite is much effectiver because fire not effective against dragon.I don't understand why charizard have won. But i like dragonite and charizard same.

  10. it could be a draw charizard is faster but dragonite has more attack if charizard used dragon pulse when fully trained in special attack with specs charizard for sure but other than that they are equal

  11. Get som sense of direction dragonite 600 stat total charizard 540 dragonite wins bitch bulshit artists bitches

  12. I say they would have a tie. Also not much people know this but of they had a dragon starter in pokemon red and blue i say it would be dratini. First of all dratini has a 3 evoulution family and like all the other kanto starters its unevovled form does not look that different from when it evolves once3 but when it is fully evolved it looks like a whole new thing. The only difference i find important is that unlike starters which evolve at 16 and 36 it evolves at 30 and 50 say I if u agrry with me that dratini should be a dragon starter for red and blue if they had dragon starters.

  13. Also i want to say that i think an epic battle would be DRAGONITE VS CHARIZARD VS BLATOISE VS VENASUAR say 123 if u think that would be an epic battle. The battle of the starters and the one that should be starter. Too bad dratini wasn't a starter :(

  14. I hate you Red

  15. Red you killed my raticate you took away my grandfathers love and you don't even talk to me? I am the one that should be ignoring you

  16. You could at least talk it out with me Red.

  17. ...Ok...

  18. ...I killed your raticate accedently i didn't know your raticate got that hurt in the battle we had at the SS Anne. I didn't mean to take away your grandfathers love away either he just burst in after i beated you at the Indigo Leuge I didn't tell him to come. Besides be a little happier we are ganna be in Pokemon Black and White 2 and we have awesome new remixed teams,im sorry blue after all i did to you but do you think we should team up and beat every trainer until they go running to their mommies.

  19. Sure why not we will team up.BTW red you talking way more than usual.

  20. Im the guy who think dratini should be a starter.You may call me Kanto Guy now.

  21. OMG red and blue were here one of the strongest trainers ever i will fight them of with Lance.

  22. You are being challenged by trainer Kanto Guy

  23. Lets fight them red

  24. PokemonTrainerRed and ChampionBlueJuly 15, 2012 at 3:21 PM

    WE WON!!!!!!!

  25. WTF how did both of you make a new person are you 2 the same person or are you both close to each other or did you guys go to facebook talk to eachother and aggried that one of you should make you both say the same thing.

  26. none of this makes any sense you just sound like a dumb charizard fanboy dragonite can learn rock moves which is 4x effective to a fire/flying type and he has a beastly 134 physical attack to destroy charizard with a physical rock move and dragonite is also resistant to FIRE which is charizards main type, so really how fucking stupid do you have to be to think charizard has a chance.

  27. I think Dragonite will win because Dragonite is water type, as Charizard is fire type. Water is Strong to Fire but I still like Charizard more than Dragonite
    (No offense)

  28. Dragonite would definitely win. First of all, it has a huge movepool, and gains access to moves like aqua tail and thunderpunch just by leveling up, both of those being super effective on Charizard. Dragonite only has to use one dragon dance, tank a hit from charizard, then becomes faster in battle. Dragonite can learn TM rock slide, which would, undoubtedly, destroy Charizard in battle. So... Sorry Charizard fans, but Dragonite wins.
