Who would win in a scrap?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Snoop Dogg vs. Drake

Who would win in a fight between Drake and Snoop Dogg?

Drake---> Born in Canada a new generation rapper.  He is 25 and on the rise to becoming one of the greatest rappers.

Snoop Dogg<--- Born on the West Coast in long beach.  He is 40 with a long history of great music.  Snoop has also been in many drug and weapon charges throughout his life.

And the winner is...

Snoop Dogg Foshizzle.  I love Drake , but the West Coast is a lot tougher than Canada.   Also i dont think i can take Drake seriously being tough after seeing him on Degrassi.  All in all if these two rappers were to be put into a cage, although Snoop is a lot older he would still beat Drake in a Scrap.

1 comment:

  1. you idiot
    snoop the dogg is form the east
    and is a studio ganster
    drake doesnt try to be anyone or anything that he cant be
